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ASSESSMENT Symptoms of Viral Incivility© 

Created by Lew Bayer

President Civility Experts Worldwide

used with permission

If world-scale incivilities—such as war and crime, political leaders’ public temper tantrums, professional athletes’ very unsportsmanlike conduct, over-the-top celebrity self indulgence, rampant bigotry and racism—do not have you convinced, consider how many of the following symptoms of viral incivility you have experienced in your own home, workplace or community in the past two weeks.

Research shows that typically social capital, self-worth, productivity, health, and certainly profitability in business settings all increase when you choose civility.


Companies that openly promote civil communication and civility at work among employees can earn up to:

  • 30% more revenue than competitors, are 

  • 4 X more likely to have highly engaged employees and are

  • 20% more likely to report reduced turnover. 


Source- Watson Wyatt Civility Survey and -Weber and Shandwick

Symptoms of Viral Incivility© 

Miscommunication (check all the applies)
Productivity (check all that apply)
Service/ Work Expectations (check all that apply)
Alignment (check all that apply)
Change Management
Connectiveness (check all that apply)

Thank you for answering the assessment form. The results will be returned to you as soon as they are analyzed.

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